Talurit was established in 1948. The company is based on a patented solution for mechanical splicing of steel wire rope. The company has been pioneering in this particular field and has developed effective methods and equipment for mechanical splicing ever since. The company owns trademarks such as TALURIT, ULTRAGRIP, KONIT, HEXLOC and TALUGRIP in most countries around the world. Other known brands are TALUKON and T-Loc. The company is located in Gothenburg and has subsidiaries around the world. Talurit is represented in most industrialized countries. The company's mission is to achieve better and higher security in mechanical splicing of steel wire rope. This is done through high standards of efficiency, safety, reliability and quality.
tune Filter products
Talurit Clamp cobber TCU - nr. 24
Talurit Clamp cobber TCU - nr. 26
Talurit Clamp cobber RCU - nr. 1.5
Talurit Clamp cobber RCU - nr. 2
Talurit Clamp cobber RCU - nr. 3
Talurit Clamp cobber RCU - nr. 4
Talurit Clamp cobber RCU - nr. 5
Talurit Clamp TAL-X f/flemish eye 3/8 (10)
Talurit ClampTAL-X f/flemish eye 7/16 (11)
Talurit ClampTAL-X f/flemish eye 1/2 (12)
Talurit Clamp TAL-X f/flemish eye 9/16 (14)
Talurit Clamp TAL-X f/flemish eye 5/8 (16)